PSY 636 Short Paper Rubric
Activity: 5-2 Short Paper: Neglect
Course: PSY-636-10219-M01 Intervention Strategies 2024 D-3 (Jul – Oct)
Name: Sule Umit
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Analysis 28 / 40
Criterion Feedback
The assignment needs to be completed. You identified the impact of neglect on academic performance. That was great, and it accounted
for 50% of the assignment.
The other questions is to identify at least one effective intervention. I just wanted to inform you that you did not identify or evaluate an
effective intervention.
40 points
effective, and
accurate analysis of
the topic and its
impact on child and
substantiated with
scholarly research
36 points
Effective and
accurate analysis of
the topic and its
impact on child and
28 points
Accurate analysis on
the topic and its
impact on child and
development but
requires additional
0 points
Does not accurately
analyze topic and its
impact on child and
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
36 / 40
Criterion Feedback
Specify the intervention strategies you referred to through “community and governmental programs.”
As mentioned before, get into the habit of stating your conclusion for all research papers.
40 points
Clearly identifies
conclusions and/or
perspectives and
connects each to
specific child and
development concept
with clear supporting
details substantiated
with scholarly
36 points
Identifies conclusions
and/or perspectives
and connects each to
specific child and
28 points
Attempts to identify
conclusions and/or
perspectives but does
not always clearly or
accurately relate each
child and adolescent
development concept
0 points
Does not identify
conclusions and/or
perspectives and
does not connect
each to specific child
and adolescent
development concept
Total 78 / 100
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Criterion Score
Articulation of
14 / 20
Criterion Feedback
Assignment rubric is 2-4 pages.
You used only one citation amongst the 4 reference you listed. Every item in your reference must be cited in your paper.
20 points
Submission is free of
errors related to
citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is
presented in a
professional and
easy-to-read format
18 points
Submission has no
major errors related
to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
14 points
Submission has major
errors related to
citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that
negatively impact
readability and
articulation of main
0 points
Submission has
critical errors related
to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that
understanding of
Overall Score
Instructors should not modify this
row (it will automate from the
scores above). This score
represents the average evaluation
across all rubric criteria.
Instructors should not modify this
row (it will automate from the
scores above). This score
represents the average evaluation
across all rubric criteria.
Needs Improvement
Instructors should not modify this
row (it will automate from the
scores above). This score
represents the average evaluation
across all rubric criteria.
Not Evident
Instructors should not modify this
row (it will automate from the
scores above). This score
represents the average evaluation
across all rubric criteria.