Question :
41.Which of the following true according to Theodore Levitt’s article : 1299505
41.Which of the following is true according to Theodore Levitt’s article in the Harvard Business Review about the globalization of world markets?
A. Accustomed differences in national or regional preferences are significant in world markets.
B. The global corporation operates consistently at high relative cost.
C. Technology has led to the emergence of global markets for standardized consumer products.
D. The global corporation sells different things in different ways.
E. Ancient differences in national tastes or modes of doing business are reinforced.
42.Which of the following is true according to Theodore Levitt’s article in the Harvard Business Review about the globalization of world markets?
A. Multinational corporations consider the world to consist of distinct and unique entities.
B. Multinational corporations operate at low relative costs.
C. Multinational corporations operate from a single country.
D. Multinational corporations do not adjust their products and practices to suit each country.
E. Multinational corporations are in danger of losing out to small businesses.
43.Which of the following is a statement made by Theodore Levitt about the globalization of world markets?
A. Capitalism is the force that drives the world toward a converging commonality.
B. Multinational corporations consider the world to consist of distinct and unique entities.
C. Accustomed differences in national or regional preferences are becoming more significant.
D. Multinational corporations are in danger of losing out to small businesses.
E. Global markets for standardized consumer products have emerged on a large scale of magnitude.
44.Which of the following is true of Theodore Levitt’s arguments concerning the globalization of world markets?
A. The rise of global media phenomenon seems to support Levitt’s argument.
B. Academics feel that Levitt understates his case concerning global markets and the fall of multinational corporations.
C. Globalization, in the sense used by Levitt, is the rule in consumer goods markets and industrial markets.
D. Levitt’s arguments hold true with respect to consumer goods markets but not for basic industrial products.
E. As observed by Levitt, in real-world global markets, firms do not tailor their products to suit different countries.
45.Which of the following is true of Theodore Levitt’s arguments concerning the globalization of world markets?
A. Modern transportation is facilitating a convergence of tastes and preferences among consumers in advanced countries of the world.
B. Academics feel that Levitt understates his case concerning global markets and the fall of multinational corporations.
C. Globalization, in the sense used by Levitt, is the rule rather in consumer goods markets and industrial markets.
D. Levitt’s arguments hold true with respect to consumer goods markets but not for basic industrial products.
E. As observed by Levitt, in global markets, firms do not tailor their products to suit different countries.
46.Which of the following is true of Theodore Levitt’s arguments concerning globalization of world markets?
A. Levitt’s argument holds true for basic industrial products, such as steel, bulk chemicals, and semiconductor chips but not for consumer goods markets.
B. Levitt understates his case concerning global markets and the fall of multinational corporations.
C. Globalization, in the sense used by Levitt, is the rule rather than the exception in consumer goods markets.
D. Levitt’s arguments have no implications for the marketing strategies pursued by an international business.
E. There is no evidence to suggest the convergence of preferences among consumers across advanced countries.
47.Which of the following factors constrain a firm’s ability to sell a standardized product to a global market using a standardized marketing strategy?
A. Modern transportation
B. Modern communications technologies
C. Rise of the global media phenomenon
D. Development of a global culture
E. Differences in product and technical standards
48._____ refers to identifying distinct groups of consumers whose purchasing behavior differs from others in important ways.
A. Market penetration
B. Market development
C. Market segmentation
D. Product development
E. Diversification
49.Which of the following is a definition of market segmentation?
A. It refers to identifying distinct groups of customers whose purchasing behavior differs from others.
B. It refers to developing existing market segments and increasing market share within those segments.
C. It refers to identifying the need for new products in existing markets and developing products for those markets.
D. It refers to identifying new markets that can buy existing products.
E. It refers to identifying the needs of a new market and developing new products for that market.
50.Which of the following is a sociocultural factor that is used to segment markets?
A. Personality
B. Race
C. Values
D. Income
E. Education level