Narrative Reflection Guidelines
Students will write a reflection of their progression and development on each of the CBU University Student Outcomes (USO) and submit supporting evidence (a previous assignment) from the courses completed during their undergraduate work for each reflection. The reflection will address the academic program as a whole and evaluate how the LBS degree requirements have helped them meet both the USO and contributed to their own personal and professional development. The USOs are listed in the document provided.
The following describes the expectations for each reflection assignment:
Completion of Reflection for Evidence of Learning
(250/350+/- words seems to be the average size of a reflective writing)
Step One: Add the Reflective Statement
A reflective writing has an introduction/thesis statement which should identify the USO being documented and the Critical Assignments being posted to address that specific USO. This opening statement helps to clarify your intentions for the reader and becomes the guide to be used to evaluate your knowledge and understanding of this USO.
The purpose of your opening/thesis statement is to explain the relevance and significance of the assignment chosen *Down syndrome PPT* (in relationship to the USOs and your professional development) which you have posted in your portfolio as follows:
1. Relevance: Explain the relevance of the Critical Assignment to the USO (Respecting diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives) by first identifying and repeating language from the USO being documented (Respecting diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives).
To demonstrate my understanding of __ (Respecting diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives)_____ and my ability to create learning opportunities that support __(Respecting diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives)_, I have included (name the artifact… i.e., Curriculum Unit/writing./project) *Down syndrome powerpoint).
2. Significance: Explain the significance of the powerpoint (aspects of the assignment as evidence of your development as a professional educator, both over all and in reference to a particular USO. Provide two or three areas of significant relevance to the USO you are documenting (Respecting diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives) which you can support with the evidence in your artifact.
“My (name or reference your critical assignment or selected artifact… ex. down syndrome ppt)…….” follow here with an explanation of how your assignment demonstrates your competence. Proceed to provide examples of your competence in the elements of the standard that you are addressing (Respecting diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives) by providing specific examples from within your assignment (Down syndrome ppt). Be very specific and intentional about your examples.
First, through the (choose something specific in the powerpoint) I can demonstrate my (use/knowledge of/ USO words that are relevant) (Respecting diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives). Continue with your reflective statement.
This artifact also demonstrates my ability to ____(state specific section of standard) (Respecting diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives)________ which is necessary for ( state benefit…e x. ELD learners to succeed in learning___?? ) .
Another good example of (state specific part of USO) (Respecting diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives) appears within the (i.e., second Direct Instruction lesson plan) where students are asked to ______________. This type of activity brings students to (ex. develop higher order thinking skills) and _______________ etc.
Finally, ________(Add what is necessary to demonstrate your proficiency with this standard in the rest of the paragraph.)
3. Link to Theory:(Continue your reflection with a link to a theory/theology)
Explain the theoretical links that support your learning and professional practices through your artifacts. (Example: Mention the learning theory, assessment theory, student engagement in learning, curriculum theory, diversity beliefs, theological/world view positions that support your thinking/learning.) **See professor’s video for examples) Theoretical links can be woven through the paragraph or added at the end according to what works best for your text.
4. Professional Actions: (Conclude your reflection with application to your professional development.)
What will you do now that you have this information or deeper understanding/learning as *a future teacher*? Mention your next actions in this specific area of professional development. This section concludes your reflection.
Step Two: Self Analysis and Reflection Checklist…Simply ask yourself questions about your reflective statement to insure it is complete.
Does your reflection…????
· Discuss how the artifact(s) supports the USO or specific aspects of the USO standard?
· Establish relevance to the USO standard?
· Reveal what you know about the subject mater?
· Demonstrate integration of theory into practice?
· Reveal how the artifact demonstrates the notion that you (the teacher) can make meaningful learning opportunities for students?
· Does this section discuss the outcomes of the teacher’s implementation of the learning standard being documented?
· Connect to theory in a meaningful manner?
· Provide a view of how your learning will take you to the next step of your professional development?
-Professor’s video explaining how to write narrative here……. here is the Week 2 Essential Video
-Down syndrome powerpoint to use as the “artifact” in reflection is attached.
-Grading Rubric for Reflection attached.
-University Student Outcomes (USO) explanation attached.