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Numerous studies demonstrate the negative effects of higher levels of social media use among kids and teenagers, which include depression and anxiety, inadequate sleep, low self-esteem, negative body image, eating disorders, and online harassment.
The effects of teenage paid employment are a topic of much debate, with researchers consistently reaching differing opinions regarding the importance of labor or if it is harmful. I think the alleged benefits of working are fictitious, reliant on selection procedures, and relevant for certain teens but not for others; teenagers' suitability for a job depends on a variety of factors, including their past experiences, schooling, personal qualities, home life, and work environments. In my opinion, the adolescent should discuss this matter with their parents in order to determine what is best for them.
Personally, I got my first job right after high school. I could not imagine keeping up with school 8 hours a day, trying to fit in time to focus on homework and studying and somehow still have some semblance of a personal life and participate in extracurricular activities while having a job to top it off. But I believe every child is different and has different needs/wants. What do you all think?
Looking forward to your responses!