Read Section 1302.52 and answer the following question.
1. How does the program support family goal setting and tracks family strengths, needs,
and progress toward goals?
1302.52 Family partnership services.
(a) Family partnership process. A program must implement a family partnership process that
includes a family partnership agreement and the activities described in this section to support
family well-being, including family safety, health, and economic stability, to support child
learning and development, to provide, if applicable, services and supports for children with
disabilities, and to foster parental confidence and skills that promote the early learning and
development of their children. The process must be initiated as early in the program year as
possible and continue for as long as the family participates in the program, based on parent
interest and need.
(b) Identification of family strengths and needs. A program must implement intake and family
assessment procedures to identify family strengths and needs related to the family engagement
outcomes as described in the Head Start Parent Family and Community Engagement Framework,
including family well-being, parent-child relationships, families as lifelong educators, families as
learners, family engagement in transitions, family connections to peers and the local community,
and families as advocates and leaders.
(c) Individualized family partnership services. A program must offer individualized family
partnership services that:
(1) Collaborate with families to identify interests, needs, and aspirations related to the family
engagement outcomes described in paragraph (b) of this section;
(2) Help families achieve identified individualized family engagement outcomes;
(3) Establish and implement a family partnership agreement process that is jointly developed and
shared with parents in which staff and families to review individual progress, revise goals,
evaluate and track whether identified needs and goals are met, and adjust strategies on an
ongoing basis, as necessary, and;
(4) Assign staff and resources based on the urgency and intensity of identified family needs and
(d) Existing plans and community resources. In implementing this section, a program must take
into consideration any existing plans for the family made with other community agencies and
availability of other community resources to address family needs, strengths, and goals, in order
to avoid duplication of effort.
Read Section 1302.50 and answer the following question.
2. Does the program provide economic mobility resources to help families with
pathways out of poverty (including educational, vocational, and employment
opportunities; budgeting; debt counseling; tax credits; savings accounts; etc.)
1302.50 Family engagement.
(a) Purpose. A program must integrate parent and family engagement strategies into all systems
and program services to support family well-being and promote children’s learning and
development. Programs are encouraged to develop innovative two-generation approaches that
address prevalent needs of families across their program that may leverage community
partnerships or other funding sources.
(b) Family engagement approach. A program must:
(1) Recognize parents as their children’s primary teachers and nurturers and implement
intentional strategies to engage parents in their children’s learning and development and support
parent-child relationships, including specific strategies for father engagement;
(2) Develop relationships with parents and structure services to encourage trust and respectful,
ongoing two-way communication between staff and parents to create welcoming program
environments that incorporate the unique cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds of families
in the program and community;
(3) Collaborate with families in a family partnership process that identifies needs, interests,
strengths, goals, and services and resources that support family well-being, including family
safety, health, and economic stability;
(4) Provide parents with opportunities to participate in the program as employees or volunteers;
(5) Conduct family engagement services in the family’s preferred language, or through an
interpreter, to the extent possible, and ensure families have the opportunity to share personal
information in an environment in which they feel safe; and,