Part A 500-700 Words
This week, you have been called to investigate a missing child. The attached document (LAB 7 doc) will provide case details and your instructions. Additional investigative forms are located in the “Optional Resources” tab. These forms/documents will assist you with this investigation.
The Assignment:
Victim: Kylee Jones, age 10, 123 Anywhere Street, Fayetteville, NC. She is described as a white female, approximately 65 pounds, 4’ tall, with a pale complexion. She has brown hair, brown eyes and was last seen wearing a blue shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes.
Her mother, Ms. Jamie Jones, has been interviewed and reported the following:
Kylee was last seen by her sister, Mary (7 years old), about 3 PM today. Mary told her mom that some old man (possible description: salt and pepper short hair; white male, former school bus driver) told Kylee to get in his car, after she got off the school bus today. Kylee acted afraid, but got into the car, and the man drove away with Kylee. Ms. Jones said Mary told her the man drove away on Jefferson Street, in a northbound direction. The bus stop is located on Jefferson Street, about one block from their house on Anywhere Street. Ms. Jones does not know who this man could be and feels Kylee has been abducted.
Police have responded and performed an initial search of the area, but have not located Kylee.
The current time is 4:00 PM.
You are charged with leading the investigation. You must develop a comprehensive investigative plan so the detective division response is organized and thorough. You may use any format you wish. Examples could be a numbered list of tasks to complete or a checklist. The bottom line is that you must articulate on paper how you would investigate this incident. Make sure to complete an incident/investigative report (you are the initial officer on scene for this portion of this assignment. The Case Number is: 2020-0006. The previous readings and assigned module readings will help you complete this thoroughly.
Submit your documents as an attachment.
Resources: These documents might help you develop a sound plan:
missing persons investigations.pdf
missing persons investigations.pdf – Alternative Formats
(this opens in a separate window).
Good luck!
Grading Criteria:
See Rubric (click on My Grades tab). You will be graded on the thoroughness of your checklist and the relevance of the investigative leads/steps you annotate- they should be tailored to the specific facts of this scenario.
APA Formatting Requirements:
· The Running head (The words Running head: need to be inside the first header of the title page).
· The title page include the following byline: Assignment title; your name; school name; course number; and date (all bylines need to be in the middle of the title page).
· Use one-inch margins.
· Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
· Use double line spacing in the document.
A thoughtful Lab Assignment includes:
a. Introduction
b. Body
The student will write at 500-700 words paper in current APA format that focus on the TASK (above) involving the missing person’s investigation pdf file (above). The paper must include at least 1 reference in addition to course materials. APA resources are located in the “Optional Resources” tab.
Part B
Mock Investigation Case Report
Attached Files:
(Opens in New Window)
Introduction: After completing Lab 7 assignment prepare a final police report (CASE FILE) for submission to the District Attorney’s office
Note: The above file/document is the format to follow for this assignment. However, you must replace/fill in your own work in place of what is provided in this document.
Your assignment will be checked for originality via the
SafeAssign plagiarism tool.
The Assignment Instructions: This assignment requires you to generate a final police report (CASE FILE) and submit it to the District Attorney’s (DA) office (for this assignment the DA is your instructor), which details all of the significant facts and investigative activity performed during the investigation. Submit the report just like you would any other document- attach it after clicking on this link.
Here is the final report format. Download the report, complete it per these and the supplemental instructions contained in the report, then submit your report in this link (as described above).
Additional Instructions for Report:
1. Complete the administrative/biographical section of the final report. Ensure to include information pertaining to your victim, suspects, and witnesses. If you were not provided certain information (such as phone numbers of suspects, addresses, etc.) you may enter fictitious information. If you were provided information, it is required to enter it accurately.
2. Complete the case summary portion of the report. Each investigative activity and document completed in the mock crime scenario must be documented in a separate paragraph of your report using the 5W report writing format. Ensure all relevant information that helped lead to the arrest of the suspect is included. Use of proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling is required.
3. The final portion of your report is an exhibit list (for example: Incident Report, Chain of Custody Evidence Track Form, Witness or Suspect Statement, etc.). It is similar to an enclosure list. This is a chronological list of all of the documents you prepared during the process of the investigation. It is your responsibility to obtain information and documents (if any needed) from your instructor. Each document should be listed in chronological order. Please see the attached final report document for further instructions as an example to guide you through this process.
NOTE: Attention to details is the purpose of this assignment.
You will submit the final report (CASE FILE) with the narrative section and exhibit list along with all of your exhibits.
Resources: You may consult with your instructor for guidance in report writing or simply review previous power point presentations.
Grading Criteria: See Rubric (click on My Grades tab).
To Submit:
Click on Mock Investigation Case Report icon and submit. Note 1: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the
SafeAssign plagiarism tool. The SafeAssign agreement must be selected before submission. NOTE 2: Make sure to upload all files such as the crime scene sketch, incident/investigative report, and your Microsoft Word document (lab) before clicking on submit.