MGT 3301, Principles of Management 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit IV
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
2. Investigate the relationship between the four functions of management.
2.2 Apply the four functions of management to acquisition of a smaller organization.
Required Unit Resources
Article: An Examination of Successful Leadership Traits for the Advertising-Agency Creative Director
(ULO 2.2):
This article discusses the results of interviews on creative traits of leaders in the advertising field (15 pages).
Article: The Call for the LEVEL UP Leadership Model: This Leadership Model Enables Leaders to Help
Their Followers Achieve Their Objectives (ULO 2.2):
This article explores how leaders can help their employees meet their goals (4 pages).
Article: Curiosity: A Leadership Trait for Dynamic Times (ULO 2.2):
The article discusses how managers can lead teams and gain respect (14 pages)
Unit Lesson
Lesson (ULO 2.2)
Unit Introduction
In the Unit IV Lesson, you will conclude your readings and learning of the planning, leading, organizing, and
control (POLC) model: the four functions of management. Unit III shared the planning and organizing
managerial functions. Unit IV will conclude the managerial function of leading and control. Managers have
expertise in their chosen fields and quickly learn the importance of multi-functioning and delegating. This
lesson will share how the culture of an organization aligns with a style of leadership that is expected from
managers, and management must either conform to the diverse organizational needs or enhances the
surroundings that will benefit most of all individuals. Let’s begin the lesson learning more about leading from a
manger’s perspective and conclude with the mechanism of how managers use control as a tool to execute
plans and achieve organizational goals.
Regardless of where you are in your professional career, there has been at least one person who has made a
difference in your life. Perhaps that person helped you in one way or another; they may have motivated or
inspired you to never give up, or perhaps they provided a simple gesture of caring through listening. You
never know when the opportunity is there that will change one’s life forever! It is unbelievable the difference
one person can make to another just by being there for them, lending a helping hand, and sharing how
wonderful the person is.
Leading and Controlling and the Relationship
to Managerial Functions
MGT 3301, Principles of Management 2
Helping others, being kind, and providing support is not just a manager’s job, it is all our jobs to support one
another. Management motivational speaker John Maxwell (as cited in Economy, 2015) explains that a
leader’s ability to motivate others is what makes them great.
Empowerment is an opportunity to raise others up, higher than they ever dreamed. Words are powerful and
are often all it takes for the manager to show sincerity through respect, empathy, and support. A leader’s goal
is to work and plan efficiently so that they can give employees what they need (J. C. Maxwell as cited in
Economy, 2015).
Leading is one of the strongest managerial functions due to the endless possibilities of helping others to
dream, to achieve, to accomplish and to be profound. Never underestimate the importance of leadership and
the power of helping employees achieve their goals and dreams. Professionally, leading and leadership is a
critical entity to help organizations set, reach, and achieve company goals and objectives while maximizing
efficiency. The key is balance and aptitude.
Leadership Characteristics
Leaders have many characteristics; integrity, communicating, inspire, purpose, confidence, accountability,
empathy, influencer, creativity, delegator, humility, and vision are a few that come to mind. Many of the
characteristics intertwine for both leaders and managers. The managerial key of success is to have the
knowledge to use a specific leadership style that is needed for each situation and realize failure is an
opportunity to learn! There is an old saying that all managers are not leaders, but all leaders are managers. In
layman’s terms: Managers are for the most part directive, they give orders. While leaders are visionaries, and
individuals are drawn to their leaders’ charisma and influence.
Leading as a function has three basic components: motivation, influence, and effectiveness. How the leader
uses each component depends on their style of leading. There are multiple ways to lead, and no way works
best each time; it all depends on the situation and the environment. The six most used, popular styles of
leadership are transformational leadership, delegative leadership, authoritative leadership, transnational
leadership, participative leadership, and servant leadership. Review the below presentation to examine each
style and the infamous traits for the respective leader.
MGT 3301, Principles of Management 3
Note: Be sure to maximize your internet browser so that you can view the presentation on a full screen,
ensuring that all content is made visible.
Leadership Styles Lesson
As shared before, there are numerous types of leadership styles. The above presentation covers six of the
most popular, widely used leadership styles. As you walk through your professional managerial career, it is
always a best practice to observe the situation first, then proceed by listening to your colleagues; their
opinions and knowledge must be heard and respected. Inclusion is instrumental for all organizations and a
reflection of your own leadership in your managerial leading, decision-making, control, power, and autonomy
throughout your professional career journey.
All managerial functions are important and have a respective role in managing. In a perfect world everything
would run smoothly and never a need for a manager or any type of control. With any change, conformity
follows, and without control, the order and due process may suffer by facing the unknowns without a plan and
powerless to any type of control.
Control as a function of management is the pillar of all principles and probably the most meaningful for
structure, quality, and efficiency. Control ensures all functions are working toward the overall success of the
company. Managers should respectfully monitor employee performances in a proactive way to not demean
but highlight each employee’s contribution to the task and success of the company.
The control function is often referred to quality control. Quality of work, performance, policies, procedures,
and reliability all align when the ultimate business goals are being met and any defects are corrected
immediately for continuous improvement, often labeled perfection. Successful managers quickly recognize
the value of each managerial function and the importance of adapting to any needed change for continuous
improvement. Depending on the type of manager you are, some may struggle to intervene and make the
change without a control mechanism. It is rare for one function to satisfy and resolve different issues. Only the
MGT 3301, Principles of Management 4
organizations that are thriving will survive. Management guru Peter Drucker (1973) once explained that
leaders have multi functions and daily challenges, and each must be addressed accordingly and use an array
of skills, knowledge, and expertise. As Peter Drucker explains, appropriate controls are needed to make the
work process more effective.
CNBC LLC (Producer). (2010). Leadership characteristics we lack (Segment 10 of 19) [Video]. In The Future
of Leadership: Meeting of the Minds. Films on Demand.
Drucker, P., (1973). Management: Tasks, responsibilities, and practices. Harper Business.
Economy, P. (n.d.). 44 Inspiring John C. Maxwell quotes for leadership success. INC.
Mallia, K. L., windels, K., & broyles, S. J. (2013). An examination of successful leadership traits for the
advertising-agency creative director. Journal of Advertising Research, 53(3), 339–353.
Provitera, M. J., & sayyadi, M. (2022). The call for the LEVEL UP leadership model: This leadership model
enables leaders to help their followers achieve their objectives. HR Future, 7, 26–29.
van Hooydonk, S. (2022). Curiosity: A leadership trait for dynamic times. Developing Leaders, 39, 22–35.
Suggested Unit Resources
Video: Leadership Characteristics We Lack (Segment 10 of 19) (Optional):
The video segment discusses courage and fear in leaders (2:42). The transcript for this video can be found by
clicking on “Transcript” in the gray bar at the top of the video in the Films on Demand database.
- Course Learning Outcomes for Unit IV
- Required Unit Resources
- Article: An Examination of Successful Leadership Traits for the Advertising-Agency Creative Director (ULO 2.2):
- Article: The Call for the LEVEL UP Leadership Model: This Leadership Model Enables Leaders to Help Their Followers Achieve Their Objectives (ULO 2.2):
- Article: Curiosity: A Leadership Trait for Dynamic Times (ULO 2.2):
- Unit Lesson
- Lesson (ULO 2.2)
- Unit Introduction
- Leading
- Leadership Characteristics
- Control
- Suggested Unit Resources
- Video: Leadership Characteristics We Lack (Segment 10 of 19) (Optional):