Midterm exam (40%): Week 7, in class.
Final research paper (60%): Week 13, through Turnitin – in pairs, start
thinking and send me a profesional, complete email with details (course,
names, purpose).
Uploaded to Moodle (quick review)
Course structure (flexible, any updates will be shared). Note: WS = Workshop
1 Introduction to marketing research, marketing review, types of research and key concepts. Marketing research case.
2 Topic choice, preliminary research, research request and research design: well-designed projects. Case: analyzing the design.
3 WS: Data management. Review of literature: what has been said? Finding reliable sources. Citations and references.
4 BIW (we do not have our regular teaching session)
5 WS: Research questions and hypotheses in your Project. Theory: qualitative/quantitative/mixed methods. Case: methods
6 Review session and practice for the exam.
7 Midterm Exam: in-class (40%)
8 Qualitative/quantitative/mixed methods. Types of samples. Case:TBC.
9 WS: Online resources, avoiding misinformation, using AI in marketing research.
10 WS: Presenting your results and visualization of data: explaining what you found, trying Tableau and other forms of data visualization.
11 Wrapping up your paper: conclusion, confirming/rejecting hypotheses, writing a good introduction.
12 WS: Presenting your research: tips, practice and reviewing your peers’ skills in class.
13 Final assignment support session and submission (60%)
Today: workshop
Getting familiar with the topic
You should have the pairs for the final this
week – this is the first of several workshops
Please let me know who you’ll be working with. If not
clear, for today’s session I will provide you with a
provisional topic.
…essence of research
…marketing dynamics
…preliminary exploration
We have discussed…
Time to become experts in our topic
This is essential!!
We will “master” the topic and become familiar with it
It provides us with many tools moving forward
It gives you quality and credibility and you will be able to answer any questions
related to your work.
What do we do?
We review existing information, or the existing literature.
What is it?
• Literature review is a comprehensive examination of existing
literature relevant to a particular topic.
• It involves identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing previous
research, theories, and findings related to your research
topic or question.
• It lays the groundwork for your study, providing
context, identifying gaps, and informing your
research design.
Why do we need it? As mentioned…
1. Provides context to understand the historical development
and current state of knowledge in your field. What has been
said until now? What is the current discussion?
2. Identifies gaps, pinpointing areas where further research is
needed → Where your research will be!
3. Validates your research, as it demonstrates that your study
is building upon existing knowledge and filling a gap.
4. Guides methodology and helps in selecting appropriate
research methods and approaches (more on this in future
5. It will strengthen your arguments and conclusions with
evidence from previous studies.
How do we do it?
1. Conduct literature search using academic databases,
journals, books, and other reputable sources.
2. Evaluate sources, assess the credibility, relevance, and
quality of the literature.
3. Organize and synthesize information: Identify common
themes, patterns, and conflicting findings across studies.
4. Write the review: IMPORTANT – Structure it logically,
highlighting key findings, methodologies, and gaps.
Recommendation: from the most general to the most
specific – example in the next slide.
Logical structure to write the literature
review: from the most general to the
most specific
TOPIC to explore: green marketing in the cosmetic industry:
1. CSR initiatives and cosmetics
2. Introduction to green marketing and its relevance in the cosmetics industry
3. Consumer perceptions and attitudes related to green marketing in the
cosmetic industry
4. Green marketing strategies and practices
Some key approaches
Mind mapping/Concept mapping
Mind mapping/Concept mapping
AI for literature review
AI and developing your lit review
There is life beyond ChatGPT, which is a “Wikipedia” type of tool – great for getting
familiar with a topic, but usually lacks depth.
AI is still very much used in reasearch, and there are specific and very good tools that
accelerate our lit review process:
AI tools for researchers
Source: Own resources, euronews
• Research Rabbit: “the Spotify of research”, fast-tracks
literature review and finding papers, visual scholarly network
• Scite.ai: upon being asked a question, Scite delivers answers
with a detailed list of all the papers cited in the response.
• Consensus: a search engine that uses AI to find insights in
research papers. “Consensus Meter” for Y/N questions to
know the scientific consensus.
• Typeset: provides predefined manuscript templates to help
you meet the specific guidelines of target journals.
• Tableau: Interactive data visualization
• Usual tools as Grammarly
Also: citations
You know citethisforme and/or MyBib
Consider reference managers:
– Mendeley
– Zotero
– RefWorks
Quick comparison
(as of 2023, source)
Option 1 (ideal):
You know your partner and topic (however broad) for the final.
Follow the steps for the workshop, applied to your topic.
Option 2:
You have not yet decided who you’ll be working with; take this
provisional topic to work today and complete the workshop session
(you can make the topic more specific, related to an industry, a
specific approach such as evolution, etc):
Social media marketing in the luxury sector
Workshop dynamic
Follow the instructions in the next slide
Ask any necessary questions
Upload your work to the necessary point (forum on Moodle)
Start to work on your literature review
1. Create a mind map in relation to your topic (by hand or online)
2. Explore databases with the topics identified (Google, Google Scholar, EBSCOhost…)
3. Visit https://www.researchrabbit.ai/ and https://scite.ai/ to explore further (very good
4. Complete the Excel uploaded to Moodle with the key literature that you identified
5. Organize themes and topics into a funnel structure (from the broadest to the most specific)
6. Create the funnel picture
7. Upload a presentation with all three elements (it will be in the appendix for the final):
1. Mind map
2. Table of the selected literature review
3. Funnel with the structure of the literature review
- Slide 1: Marketing Research
- Slide 2: Evaluation
- Slide 3: Course structure (flexible, any updates will be shared). Note: WS = Workshop
- Slide 4: Today: workshop Getting familiar with the topic
- Slide 5: You should have the pairs for the final this week – this is the first of several workshops
- Slide 6: We have discussed…
- Slide 7: Time to become experts in our topic
- Slide 8: What do we do?
- Slide 9: What is it?
- Slide 10: Why do we need it? As mentioned…
- Slide 11: How do we do it?
- Slide 12: Logical structure to write the literature review: from the most general to the most specific
- Slide 13: Some key approaches
- Slide 14: Mind mapping/Concept mapping
- Slide 15: Mind mapping/Concept mapping
- Slide 16
- Slide 17: Process:
- Slide 18: AI for literature review
- Slide 19: AI and developing your lit review
- Slide 20: AI tools for researchers Source: Own resources, euronews
- Slide 21: Also: citations
- Slide 22: Quick comparison (as of 2023, source)
- Slide 23: WORKSHOP
- Slide 24: Option 1 (ideal):
- Slide 25: Workshop dynamic
- Slide 26: Start to work on your literature review
- Slide 27