there are sevral assignments here they are all number and need there own refrences and own saved document file
here is number 1
Select a job that is familiar to you (or the position that you currently hold), and conduct a task needs assessment for this job. Reviewing the materials presented in Chapter 4 of your text, which method or methods make the most sense for assessing the needs of this job? Why? What are the major tasks or responsibilities that you identified for this job? What knowledge, skill, ability, or other characteristics are needed to perform each of these major tasks? After answering these questions, use your findings to develop a job description (including a job specification).
here is number 2
Week 04 – Who Needs It? (10 points)
You are now ready to work on Step 4 in the design and development of your HRD training program.
Throughout this week’s readings, you discovered the importance of needs assessment or needs analysis. You will recall that there are three key areas of need
- Strategic/Organizational
- Task
- Person
Let’s assume for now that we have already conducted our Strategic/ Organizational Needs Analysis and determined where we are going in our training. For your project assignment, create a table in which you outline how you will conduct a needs analysis at the other two levels – the task and person levels.
Task |
In this part of the table, focus on the specific job task you chose earlier. Include a clear, detailed description of the task, conditions, tools/equipment used to do the task. You need to include all materials, supplies, equipment that must be made available to the employees in order for them to conduct this task properly. |
In this part of the table, focus on the individual trainee’s needs. Include a clear, detailed description of the individual areas that you need to focus on. Include weaknesses and areas of improvement, as well as strong points. Remember to touch base on individual knowledge, ability, and skills
After you complete information in the table, answer these questions:
- What types or format of Data Sources for needs assessment will offer you the information that you need?
- Why did you choose this type of needs assessment?
- Who will need the training?
- What type of program will you need to design?
- Are there any roadblocks? If so, what are they and how do you plan to prevent them from hindering the HRD program you are planning?
here is number 3
Problem 1. Family and Medical Leave Act
Darla has been working for Defense Plants, Inc. for over 15 years as a receptionist and customer service person. She wrote to the new CEO of Defense Plants, Inc. asking for leave to take care of her new child. She has adopted a girl, age 8. Unfortunately for her, the new CEO is unwilling to allow her leave without penalizing her. He has acknowledged that there is a Family and Medical Leave Act, but he says she will be demoted when she returns to a lesser job, which is also lower paying, if the company is required to give her leave.
Summarize Darla’s rights in a Word document (1-2 pages) basing your arguments on actual statements from the Family and Medical Leave Act. In your paper, document where you found the rights stated.
here is number 4
When a company decides to change the price of a product, it knows the demand for that product will change as a result. Elasticity measures this change in demand as a result in the change in price.
In an effort to increase revenue for the insurance industry, all insurance companies increased prices by 20 percent. To its dismay, only a 10% increase in revenue was received instead of the 20% increase that was expected.
Prepare an essay that addresses the following questions:
- What does this say about the elasticity demand for insurance products?
- What were the insurance companies assuming the elasticity demand would be?
here is number 5
The company i picked is Nike.
In this part of your paper, you address elasticity of the company you have selected. Conduct research for your company and prepare an essay that addresses the following.
- How elastic is the product and/or service?
- If the company needed to increase sales by 40%, what would need to be done (in terms of elasticity)?
- Explain how this would affect both supply and demand.
- Could this affect substitute or complementary products or services? Explain.
Remember to cite your sources in APA format.