SEC 311 | Assignment 2 – Theorist Presentation
Choose a theorist from each of the following schools of thought: behaviorism, humanism, constructivism, social-emotional learning theory.
For each theorist, you are to use Canva to complete a slide (or more than one if you would like) with the following information:
· Explain how the theorist’s ideas have influenced classroom management practices.
· Discuss the strengths and limitations of applying the theorist’s ideas in the classroom.
· Share specific examples or strategies that teachers can employ based on the theorist’s principles.
You can incorporate multimedia elements, such as images or videos, to enhance your presentation.
Evaluation Criteria:
Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
· Depth of Understanding: Demonstrates a clear understanding of the chosen behavior theorists and their ideas.
· Application: Connects the theorists’ ideas to practical classroom management strategies and examples.
Analysis: Provides a thoughtful analysis of the strengths and limitations of each theorist’s ideas in the classroom context.
· Organization and Clarity: Presents the information in a well-structured and coherent manner, making it easy to follow and understand.
· Presentation: Effectively utilizes presentation to convey information in an engaging and visually appealing way.
Excellent (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
Depth of Understanding
Demonstrates a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the chosen behavior theorists and their ideas. The explanations are accurate, detailed, and go beyond surface-level understanding.
Demonstrates a good understanding of the chosen behavior theorists and their ideas. The explanations are clear and mostly accurate, reflecting a solid understanding of the concepts.
Demonstrates some understanding of the chosen behavior theorists and their ideas, but the explanations may lack depth or contain minor inaccuracies.
Demonstrates limited understanding of the chosen behavior theorists and their ideas. The explanations are vague, superficial, or inaccurate.
Connects the theorists’ ideas to practical classroom management strategies and provides specific and relevant examples. The application demonstrates a strong understanding of how the theorists’ ideas can be effectively implemented in the classroom.
Connects the theorists’ ideas to practical classroom management strategies and provides relevant examples. The application demonstrates a good understanding of how the theorists’ ideas can be implemented in the classroom.
Connects the theorists’ ideas to some classroom management strategies, but the examples or application may lack depth or relevance.
Fails to effectively connect the theorists’ ideas to practical classroom management strategies or provide meaningful examples.
Provides a thoughtful and insightful analysis of the strengths and limitations of each theorist’s ideas in the classroom context. The analysis demonstrates a deep understanding of the theorists’ work and the implications for classroom management.
Provides a solid analysis of the strengths and limitations of each theorist’s ideas in the classroom context. The analysis demonstrates a good understanding of the theorists’ work and its impact on classroom management.
Provides a basic analysis of the strengths and limitations of each theorist’s ideas in the classroom context, but the depth or insight may be limited.
Provides a weak or superficial analysis of the strengths and limitations of each theorist’s ideas in the classroom context.
Organization and Clarity
Presents the information in a well-structured, coherent, and logical manner. Ideas are clearly presented, and the flow of the presentation is smooth and easy to follow.
Presents the information in a structured and coherent manner. Ideas are mostly clear, and the flow of the presentation is generally easy to follow.
Presents the information with some organization and coherence, but there may be occasional lack of clarity or inconsistencies in the flow of ideas.
Presents the information in a disorganized and incoherent manner. Ideas are unclear, and the flow of the presentation is confusing.
Effectively utilizes multimedia elements such as images, videos, or other visual aids to enhance the presentation and engage the audience. The presentation is visually appealing, creative, and enhances the understanding of the content.
Utilizes multimedia elements to support the presentation and engage the audience. The presentation is visually appealing and contributes to the understanding of the content.
Utilizes limited multimedia elements, but their effectiveness in enhancing the presentation or engaging the audience is inconsistent.
Fails to effectively utilize multimedia elements or present the information in an engaging manner.