APA format
1) Minimum 21 pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page
You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.
Part 1: minimum 5 pages
Part 2: minimum 5 pages
Part 3: minimum 5 pages (48 hours)
Part 4: minimum 4 pages (48 hours)
Part 5: minimum 2 pages
Extra part 6: Minimum 1 page (Due 20 hours)
Extra part 7: Minimum 5 pages (Due 24 hours)
Submit 1 document per part
2)¨******APA norms
All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph
The writing must be coherent, using connectors or conjunctive to extend, add information, or contrast information.
Bulleted responses are not accepted
Don’t write in the first person
Don’t copy and paste the questions.
Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph
Submit 1 document per part
3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)
********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)
4) Minimum 6 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)
All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed.
5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next
Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX
Q 2. Health is XXXX
Q3. Research is…………………………………………………. (a) The relationship between……… (b) EBI has to
6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:
Part 1.doc
Part 2.doc
Part 2: Decision Making
Topic: Unit closures and restructuring
Purpose: Describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and staff nurses/clinical practitioners to issues in practice.
1. Introduction (One paragraph)
2. Describe the topic, including (Two paragraphs)
a. How affects the nurses
b. How affects patients
c. How affects the healthcare system
3. Compare and contrast how these professionals should approach the topic: (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b”)
a. Nursing leaders
b. Staff nurses/clinical practitioners.
4. Select a nursing theory and relational inquiry principles according to the decision-marking for approaching the topic (Two paragraphs)
5. Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional nursing philosophy and (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b”)
a. Describe the approach selected
b. Explain why the approach is suited to your personal inquiry style (write in the first person).
6. Make a proposal that be a possible funding source that addresses your issue, including organizations (For example, There are many grants available through the CDC, HRSA, etc)(Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b” and another for “c”)
b. State
c. Local
7. Describe the expected outcomes of your proposal (One paragraph)
7. Make a reflection for nurses (One paragraph)
8. Make a general reflection (One paragraph)
Part 3: Decision Making
Topic: Continuous quality improvement and patient satisfaction
Purpose: Describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and staff nurses/clinical practitioners to issues in practice.
1. Introduction (One paragraph)
2. Describe the topic, including (Two paragraphs)
a. How affects the nurses
b. How affects patients
c. How affects the healthcare system
3. Compare and contrast how these professionals should approach the topic: (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b”)
a. Nursing leaders
b. Staff nurses/clinical practitioners.
4. Select a nursing theory and relational inquiry principles according to the decision-marking for approaching the topic (Two paragraphs)
5. Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional nursing philosophy and (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b”)
a. Describe the approach selected
b. Explain why the approach is suited to your personal inquiry style (write in the first person).
6. Make a proposal that be a possible funding source that addresses your issue, including organizations (For example, There are many grants available through the CDC, HRSA, etc)(Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b” and another for “c”)
b. State
c. Local
7. Describe the expected outcomes of your proposal (One paragraph)
7. Make a reflection for nurses (One paragraph)
8. Make a general reflection (One paragraph)
Part 4: Nursing Leadership
Topic: Nurse Leader Interview
Designated specialty role: Nursing Director,
Interview (in person, face to face) a leader relevant to the designated specialty role of choice that would hire a Master of Science prepared nurse (Advanced Practice Nurse) in your specialty. The nurse leader interview will be developed into an APA formatted paper.
1. Brief introduction of the leader being interviewed, including (One paragraph):
a. Brief biography of the interviewee
b. Organization represented (Miami).
c. Explain why this individual was chosen for the interview in light of your selected nursing specialty role.
2. A Learning Conversation, state each question you posed along with the interviewee’s responses (Nine paragraphs. One paragraph per each question: Total nine paragraphs)
a. Determine from the interviewee what are the mission/vision/ goals of the organization.
b. Describe the interviewee’s expectations of an advanced practice nurse- a leader within his, or her specialty.
c. Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes for the Bachelor of Science prepared nurse to academically excel at the advanced practice nursing level
d. Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes to transition to a nurse leader in this organization.
d. Discuss what the interviewee believes about what is be a leader
e. Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes to be a good leader
f. Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes for attempt to transition into new specialty nursing
g. Discuss what the interviewee believes about the advantages of transition into a new organization
h. Discuss what the interviewee believes about the added improvement in the skills and competencies professional of transition into new specialty nursing for the nurses
3. Reflection and Follow-Up (One paragraph).
a. Make a critical analysis and evaluation of the interview process including (but not limited to)
b. What would you do differently?
c. Please include resultant plans (post-interview) for professional development and pursuit of future nurse leader opportunities.
4. Summary (One paragraph)
a. Summarize the key points of the conversation as each relates to the interviewee’s chosen nursing leadership-specialty role
b.How a prospective nurse leader could make a successful transition to such a role within the selected nurse leader’s organization.
Part 5: Aging and family
Topic: Provide cultural care for this group or the individual
The older population in the United States is becoming more ethnically and racially diverse. In addition to racial and ethnic diversity, there will be growing numbers of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons entering their senior years who will present a unique set of challenges. The growing diversity of the older population presents challenges for gerontological nursing in providing culturally competent care.
Older group/population: Black Americans
Role: Nurse
Situation: You must demonstrate the importance of providing cultural care for this group population, addressing:
1. Introduction (One paragraph)
2. According to the population describe the Beliefs, values, traditions, and practices of health (One paragraph)
a. Give a brief example
3. Describe the education on health risk factors (One paragraph)
a. Give a brief example
4. Describe own attitudes, beliefs, and those attitudes of co-practitioners to face the group (One paragraph)
a. Give a brief example
5. Language barriers that can affect the ability of patients to communicate health-related information, understand instructions, provide informed consent, and fully participate in their care (One paragraph)
a. Give a brief example
6. Conclusion (One paragraph)
Extra part 6: Health assessment
Five paragraphs per page
Case 1: A 9-year-old female presents with her mother complaining of a dry cough that “wakes up everyone in the house” each night for the last two weeks.
Dx: Pertussis
1. In one paragraph, stat the questions for the case´s complains
a. Onset
b. Localization
c. Duration
d. Characteristics
e. Aggravanting factors
f. Realive factors
g. Treatment
2. What physical 3xam elements you would include, and
a. What further testing you would want to have performed.
3. Describe the positive findings that validate your main diagnosis according to:
a. General
b. Respiratory system
c. Skin
d. Ears,Nose,Mouth& Throat
4. Describe the negative findings that make you think of other differential diagnoses
a. Asthma
b. Rhinitis
5. Treatment plan, including:
a. Pharmacotherapy with complementary
b. OTC therapy, diagnostics (labs and testing)
c. Health education and lifestyle changes
d. Aage-appropriate preventive care, and follow-up to this visit.
Extra part 7: Decision Making
Topic: Nurse staffing ratios
Purpose: Describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and staff nurses/clinical practitioners to issues in practice.
1. Introduction (One paragraph)
2. Describe the topic, including (Two paragraphs)
a. How affects the nurses
b. How affects patients
c. How affects the healthcare system
3. Compare and contrast how these professionals should approach the topic: (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b”)
a. Nursing leaders
b. Staff nurses/clinical practitioners.
4. Select a nursing theory and relational inquiry principles according to the decision-marking for approaching the topic (Two paragraphs)
5. Identify the approach that best fits your personal and professional nursing philosophy and (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b”)
a. Describe the approach selected
b. Explain why the approach is suited to your personal inquiry style (write in the first person).
6. Make a proposal that be a possible funding source that addresses your issue, including organizations (For example, There are many grants available through the CDC, HRSA, etc)(Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a” and one paragraph for “b” and another for “c”)
b. State
c. Local
7. Describe the expected outcomes of your proposal (One paragraph)
7. Make a reflection for nurses (One paragraph)
8. Make a general reflection (One paragraph)