Select 1 of the following scenarios for the focus of your assignment:
- You are hired as a consultant to help facilitate changes due to a merger at a large company. Your audience would be the human resources team.
- You are a child behavior specialist asked to work with a disruptive child in class who will not sit in their seat or raise their hand to talk. Your audience would be a treatment team that includes the following members: school guidance counselor, enrichment specialist, the child’s parents, and the child’s therapist.
- You are a health psychologist working with an adult client on creating a healthier lifestyle. Your audience would be the client’s family members (spouse, partner, parents), physician, and therapist.
Choose a learning theory from the course to teach the skill in the selected scenario.
Create a PowerPoint® or Prezi® presentation that explains how you used each concept in the theory to teach the skill. Your presentation must include the following sections:
- The problem – What is the problem you are trying to solve?
- The skill – What skill needs to be taught, and why is this skill important?
- Theory – Select a learning theory from the course and explain how you will teach the client the desired behavior.
- Action plan – What specific steps will you take to teach the skill based on all the principles of the theory?
- Alternatives – Present an alternative theory that you learned in the course that could also be used. Explain how it could be used and why your chosen theory would be more effective.
- Evaluation – How will you evaluate the progress of the action plan after you have taught the skill? What changes would you expect to see?
- Reflection – Reflect on this case and how it relates to previous learning experiences you have had. Is there an example in your previous learning experience where you would have chosen this approach instead of the teaching methods you have experienced?
- What alterations would you need to make to use your plan to help a senior?
- What alterations would you need to make to use your plan to help a senior with dementia?
Produce at least 15 slides in your presentation. This count does not include a title slide and a slide for references.
Provide graphics or charts where appropriate in your presentation.
Format your presentation to ensure that the slides only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting.
Include comprehensive speaker notes.
Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your assignment.
Include a slide with APA-formatted references.