Purpose The purpose of the leadership case study is to analyze an individual situation (case) using relevant theoretical concepts from your discipline. The case study might then be used to help make a decision about how to do things in another case that has similar features. You are expected to use Purpose theories, vocabulary, and models to describe their analysis of the case study. The case study analysis should be written in clear concise language. Background Information “Customs” are established practices that prescribe what is expected and what is inconsistent with good order, discipline, and military bearing. “Traditions” reflect the “Army Way” of accomplishing the mission, with discipline and to standards, revealing our values, virtues, and ethos. While deployed, a Soldier’s decision reflects his character, which echoes the Army’s time-honored “customs, courtesies, and traditions.” Topic Read the case study entitled, “Samarra’s Sniper Son”. Write a 500 – 700 word analysis using the case study format outline. Resource Requirements Research and Case Studies Lesson Case: Samarra’s Sniper Son Case Study Format Outline Google Scholar APA 7th ed. How to Check for Errors Expectations 1. Following the APA 7 th ed. Guidelines, write a case study analysis. Your analysis must be : • MS Word document (.docx) no other formats will be accepted • must include a title page and reference page • address the topic above using the Case Study Format Outline. DO NOT WRITE AN INFORMATIVE ESSAY. You must provide your own solutions and recommendations to the issue in the case. • Times New Roman, 12-point font and the current APA writing style (Student Paper). • essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides. • follow all rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation (run a spelling and grammar check before submission) • include ONLY one reference, quote, and in-text citation from a source other than the case study, properly formatted 2. Upload and submit your response for grading in blackboard by clicking on the submission link
Part One Description Content
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 24 (48.00%)
-Failed to answer prompt -Missing or failed to define all terms
Points Range:25 (50.00%) – 30 (60.00%)
-Partially answered prompt -Limited development of concept
Points Range:31 (62.00%) – 35 (70.00%)
-Shows serious contemplation of lesson -Shows original thought that goes far beyond the obvious.
Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 10 (20.00%)
-Contains 5 or more grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors.
Points Range:11 (22.00%) – 13 (26.00%)
-Contains 2-4 grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors
Points Range:14 (28.00%) – 15 (30.00%)
-Contains no more than 1 grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors