GO19_AC_INTRO_GRADER_CAP2 - Jackson Spa 1.1
Project Description:
In this project, you will apply skills you practiced from the Objectives in Access Chapters 1 through 3. You will create a database for Gina Gomez, Sales Manager, that contains inventory and supplier information. In addition, you will create queries that answer specific questions relating to the inventory items and suppliers, forms for entering and updating information, and reports.
Start Access. Download, open, and save the database named Student_Access_Cap2_Jackson_Spa.accdb.
Open the Cap2 Inventory table in Design View. Rename the ID field to Item ID and change the Data Type to Short Text. Continue adding the following fields as Short Text except for Cost, which should have a Currency Data Type, and Quantity, which should have a Number Data Type:
Item Name
Supplier ID
Switch to Datasheet view. Enter the following two records into Cap2 Inventory:
Item ID: H102
Item Name: Hair Brush Set
Department: Hair Care
Cost: 9.99
Quantity: 92
Supplier ID: S-186
Item ID: M089
Item Name: Pedicure Kit
Department: Hands & Feet
Cost: 22.59
Quantity: 71
Supplier ID: S-133
Close the table. Append a copy of the records from the downloaded aCap2_Inventory.xlsx workbook to the Cap2 Inventory table. Accept all defaults in the wizard and do not save the Import steps. Open the table, verify there are 24 records, and apply Best Fit to all fields. Save and close the table.
Import the source data from the downloaded aCap2_Suppliers.xlsx workbook into a new table in the current database. In the wizard, click the First Row Contains Column Headings option and set the primary key to Supplier ID. Name the table Cap2 Suppliers.
Open the Cap2 Suppliers table in Design view. Delete the Office Manager field and save the table. Switch to Datasheet view and apply Best Fit to all of the fields. Save and close the table.
On the Navigation Pane, group the objects by Tables and Related Views.
Create a relationship between the two tables in the database using Supplier ID as the common field. Enforce Referential Integrity and select both Cascade options. One supplier can supply many inventory items.
Create a relationship report. Save the report with Relationships as the name. Close the Relationships window.
Create a query in Design view, using your Cap2 Inventory table to answer the question What is the item name (in alphabetical order), Cost, and Quantity for the department of Hair Care? Do not display the Department field in the query results. Run the query, save it as Cap2 Hair Care Query, then close the query. Three records match the criteria.
Create a copy of Cap2 Hair Care Query named Cap2 Hair Care or Easy Wear Query. Redesign the query design to answer the question What is the department, item name, cost, and supplier ID where the department is hair care or easy wear? Arrange the fields in the order in which they're mentioned in the question. Sort the records first in ascending order by Department and then in ascending order by Item Name. Run and then close the query. Seven records match the criteria.
Create a query in Design view, using both tables to answer the question What is the department, supplier name, item name, and phone, for a supplier name that begin with the letter B for the department of bath? Add the fields in that order. Sort the records first in ascending order by the Supplier Name field and then in ascending order by the Item Name field. Run the query, save it as Cap2 B Department Query, and then close it. Seven records match the criteria.
Create a query in Query Design view, using your Cap2 Suppliers table and your Cap2 Inventory table to answer the question What is the supplier name, item name, department, and cost for items that have a cost of $25 or greater? sorted first in ascending order by Department and then in descending order by Cost? Six records match the criteria. Save the query as Cap2 Cost $25 or More Query and close it.
Create a query in Design view, using the Cap2 Inventory table to answer the question For the supplier ID of S-186, for each item name and retail price, markup for each item if marked up 41% of Cost, and what is the selling price (cost and mark up added together)? Add the fields in that order. Name the first calculated field Markup and name the second calculated field Selling Price. Run the query and apply Best Fit to all of the fields. All numeric fields should be formatted as Currency, 2 Decimal Places. Save the query as Cap2 Retail Price Query and close it.
Use the Query Wizard to create a crosstab query using the Cap2 Inventory table. Set the Supplier ID field as the row headings, and set the Department field as the column headings. Sum the Quantity field, and do not include row sums. Name the query Cap2 Crosstab Query and then finish the query. Run the query and apply Best Fit to all of the fields. Save and close the query.
Create a query in Design view using the Cap2 Inventory table that prompts you to enter the Department, and then answers the question What is the department, item name, and Cost for inventory items, sorted first in ascending order by Department and then in ascending order by the item name? Add the fields in that order. The query should prompt an individual to Enter the Department. Run the query, and type Face & Neck when prompted for the criteria. Five records match the criteria. Save the query as Cap2 Parameter Query and close it.
Based on the Cap2 Suppliers table, use the Form tool to create a form. Switch to Form view, and then using the form, add a new record as follows:
Supplier ID: S-152
Supplier Name: Springfield Supply Co.
Address: 146 Lincoln Drive
City: Springfield
State: IL
Postal Code: 62707
Phone: (217) 555-2543
Use the Filter By Form tool to create a filter that displays records with a State of IL or TX. After verifying that three records match this criteria, toggle the filter to display all six records. Save the form as Cap2 Supplier Form and close it.
Based on your Cap2 Suppliers table, use the Report tool to create a new report. Select the report title, and apply Bold. Delete the following fields from the report: Supplier ID, Address, City, State, and Postal Code. Delete the Page Number, Date, and Time controls. Apply the Gallery theme to this object only. Sort the Supplier Name field in ascending order. For the Phone field, change the Width property to 1.25. For the Supplier Name field, change the Left property to 1 and then close the Property Sheet. Save the report as Cap2 Suppliers Report and then close the report.
Use the Report Wizard to create a report based on the Cap2 Inventory table. Add the following fields to the report: Department, Item Name, and Quantity, in that order. Group by the Department field. Sort in ascending order by the Item Name field. Find the Sum of the Quantity field. Be sure that the Layout is Stepped and that the Orientation is Portrait. For the report title, type Cap2 Inventory by Department Report and then switch to Layout view. Delete the controls that begin with Summary for 'Department'. Under Item Name, click any text box control, and then set the Width property to 2.5. For the Quantity label control, set the Left property to 6.5. Save and close the report.
Close all database objects and open the Navigation Pane, if necessary. Close the database and then exit Access. Submit the database as directed.