Final Exam Question #1
Question and Instructions
This semester, we have discussed and analyzed an amazing array of experiences, developments, and events over 4500 years. Thinking back over the entire semester, if you could participate in or witness one event, what would it be?
1. Identify one event that you would like to participate in or witness.
· Tell me when it took place (specific date, century, or age)
· Tell me where it took place (region, empire, or city)
· Tell me who it involved (be specific!)
· Since this is an assignment to test your comprehension of the course material, this event must be something that we specifically discussed in the course (in the assigned reading, videos, or instructor lectures).
2. Describe the event. Be specific and explain fully!
. Describe what happened during the event
. Describe what historical factors caused the event
. Describe what the historical consequences of the event were
3. Fully explain why you would personally want to witness or participate in this event.
· Don’t skimp on this part of your answer. I enjoy hearing about what and why my students find personally interesting.
How to earn a good grade (and avoid earning a bad one)
Make sure to address each part of the question fully. Write your answers in sentence form using good grammar and complete sentences. You may only use information from the assigned textbook pages, videos, or my lectures to answer this question. Using outside information (websites, other textbooks, other people, etc.) will result in a zero for the assignment. Please keep in mind that all answers go through a plagiarism checker. If you copy from another student, your assignment will receive a zero. Please contact me if you need any clarification about these directions.
Some Rubric (23)
Some Rubric (23)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment identifies one event. It also identifies when that event took place, where it took place, and who it involved.
5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment describes the event fully, including what happened during, before, and after the event.
24 pts
Full Marks
18 pts
Half Marks
12 pts
Half Marks
6 pts
Half Marks
0 pts
No Marks
24 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment offers a full explanation concerning why the student would want to witness or participate in the chosen event.
12 pts
Full Marks
6 pts
Half Marks
0 pts
No Marks
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe answer demonstrates good grammar, spelling, and clarity, including complete sentences.
4 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
4 pts
Total Points: 45
Final Exam Question #2
Question and Instructions
This semester, we have discussed and analyzed what people, both as individuals and as civilizations, have done right or wrong. Think back over the 4500 years we discussed (starting with the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians going up to the Age of Exploration) and identify 1 lesson that you think the world should learn from history.
1. Identify 1 lesson that you want the world to learn.
· This should be a general moral lesson that can be applied to the present.
· For example, your lesson might be that tolerance is the best approach to other cultures or group or that a certain type of government is better than the others or that.
· You may use my examples, but you’ll need to make them more specific (which type of government?). However, you do not have to use my examples. You can come up with your own lesson.
2. Identify 2 specific examples from the course that demonstrate/prove the lesson
· For each specific example (two total):
· Identify the date/age
· Tell me where the example took place
· Tell me who it involved
· Briefly describe the examples
3. Fully explain how the two examples prove/demonstrate the lesson you identified for #1.
· You may either offer 2 separate explanations for how each example proves/demonstrates your lesson
· Or you may offer one explanation for how both examples prove/demonstrate your lesson. Either way, fully explain.
How to earn a good grade (and avoid earning a bad one)
Make sure to address each part of the question fully. Write your answers in sentence form using good grammar and complete sentences. You may only use information from the assigned textbook pages, videos, or my lectures to answer this question. Using outside information (websites, other textbooks, other people, etc.) will result in a zero for the assignment. Please keep in mind that all answers go through a plagiarism checker. If you copy from another student, your assignment will receive a zero. Please contact me if you need any clarification about these directions.
Some Rubric (22)
Some Rubric (22)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment clearly states one lesson from history
5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment identifies two examples from the course and for each example, identifies the date/age, location, people involved, and offers a brief description.
24 pts
Full Marks
18 pts
Half Marks
12 pts
Half Marks
6 pts
Half Marks
0 pts
No Marks
24 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment explains how the examples prove/demonstrate the lesson stated.
12 pts
Full Marks
6 pts
Half Marks
0 pts
No Marks
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe answer demonstrates good grammar, spelling, and clarity, including complete sentences.
4 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
4 pts
Total Points: 45