

  1. There are 5 classes of staff consultants available. These classes, in descending hierarchical order, are Partner, Director, Manager, Senior and Associate.
  2. There are different number of consultants available in each class on the staff roster.
  3. These consultants can be assigned to one or more client projects.
  4. Each project requires exactly one consultant from each class of consultants.
  5. Clients may come from different locations and consultants may work in different branches.
  6. Each consultant has a different budgeted rate (cost per hour) for each client project, which depends on their hourly salary, staff class, client’s location and the consultant’s branch.
  7. Each consultant has an idle cost per hour based on their hourly salary.
  8. Each consultant can work up to 40 hours per week.
  9. Each client has a pre-determined 12-week schedule for each type of consultant.
  10. Each client project generates a specific amount of revenue.
  11. Profit margin from a client is the ratio of the profit (revenue – total consulting cost) to the revenue generated from the client project. The minimum profit margin from each client is 10%.